It’s time to Turkey Trot, find out how!

I’m traveling to New York to do the whole Thanksgiving experience this year with my daughter.  We all know Thanksgiving is all about eating. Turkey, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pie… it’s enough to send even the most dedicated workout addict to the couch for a carb-induced nap.

Below is your Thanksgiving #DynamicPlan to keep you moving.

Dynamic Plan #1: Make Cleaning Your Workout

Hosting this year? A trip to the gym might be the last thing on your “to-do list” because of the amount of cleaning and cooking you need to do.  Do yourself a favor and make cleaning part your workout. Grab your headset, go to your favorite podcast, and increase your heart rate by vacuuming, scrubbing, and sweeping. I promise, you won’t miss the gym!

Dynamic Plan #2: Embrace Grocery Shopping

A pre-Thanksgiving trip to the supermarket can be an exercise in patience, so multi-task by turning your shopping into a workout. Park as far from the supermarket as you can and carry your heavy groceries instead of using a cart. This is guaranteed to give you a good workout, and relieve some holiday stress, all at the same time.

Dynamic Plan #3: Do a Turkey Trot

Turkey Trots (Thanksgiving morning runs/walks) are very popular and an amazing opportunity to start your day with a fun, family-oriented burst of cardio. Or you can join my Thanksgiving Zoom Bootcamp on Thursday morning at 7AM EST, right from the comfort of your home, to get the heart rate up and to burn some calories before partaking in all your favorite meals.

Dynamic Plan #4: Take Breaks

If you’re too busy to squeeze in a Thanksgiving workout, incorporate some 10-minute activity breaks into your day. Take some time to stretch, shake out your legs, or just take a quick walk around the yard, up and down your stairs. These activity breaks will refresh your body and your mind.

Dynamic Plan #5: Go for a Post-Meal Walk or Play Games

Research shows that walking after meals promotes digestion and blood sugar control. Grab the family and head outside for some active games.

Dynamic Plan #6: Join the Dynamic Lifestyle Black Friday Boot Camp

Be sure to check out my Black Friday Zoom Bootcamp at 6AM EST. You may even want to invite a friend or family member to join you.

P.S. For extra cardio, try tackling those Black Friday sales!


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